Technology Community United

About Us

Welcome to our community of dedicated engineers and scientists, united in our mission to support Ukraine. We are a volunteer group passionately committed to collaborating with the Ukrainian government on technological innovations and solutions of all sorts. As a group, we’ve come together to pool our time, talents, and expertise for Ukrainian freedom. We operate with a steadfast belief in the power of technology to transform lives, and we are unwavering in our dedication to seeing Ukraine emerge victorious. Through our partnerships with the Ukrainian government, we are consistently able to see our own tangible results.

Our primary objective is clear: to pioneer revolutionary breakthroughs that not only address pressing issues but remain highly cost-effective. Crucially, we operate without being driven by profit motives or personal gain. We do not pursue patents or control over the innovations we develop for Ukraine. Rather, our sole focus is on contributing to Ukraine's success in any way we can.

Our team is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and across nations, each of whom brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table. Together, we form a formidable force, working on real-time solutions that can and will change the course of Ukraine’s future.

We believe in the nobility and rightness of our cause, and we invite you to join us. Whether you're an engineer, scientist, or simply someone who believes in the power of collective action, your skills and contribution to the team will be invaluable. Rally with us behind Ukraine as we show the world the strength of unity and determination. Slava Ukraini!

About Us

What we do

Welcome to our "What We Do" page, where we're proud to share our past and ongoing contributions to Ukraine's technological landscape. Our efforts have led to breakthrough innovations hailed as revolutionary by the Ukrainian government, particularly in the realms of logistics, communications, electronic warfare/countermeasures, and drone technologies.

The heart of our team is comprised of a dedicated group of engineers and scientists who collaborate directly with soldiers and civilians grappling with real-world challenges. We stand side by side with those on the front lines, listening to their needs and working tirelessly to bring them effective solutions.

Central to our approach is the emphasis on efficiency. We prioritize the seamless transfer of information and data, minimizing disruptions and maximizing productivity. Regular communication with frontline troops and civilians ensures that our solutions remain relevant and effective in rapidly evolving scenarios.

As such, the number one factor in our success has been the unwavering support of the Ukrainian government, which has granted us unimpeded and unbureaucratic access to those who require our expertise. This access has enabled us to swiftly address pressing issues without unnecessary hindrances.

This streamlined approach, possible only through our relationships with the Ukrainian government, has yielded remarkable results, with abilities to achieve rapid and extraordinary breakthroughs in record time. We’ll continue to push the boundaries of innovation for as long as it takes, driven by a shared dedication to the freedom of the Ukrainian nation and an unwavering belief in doing what’s right.

What We Do
14 Countries United
1,328 volunteers joined
673 days making a difference

join our mission

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute to our mission, regardless of their skill level or background. Whether you're an engineer, scientist, technician, organization representative, political figure, activist, or simply eager to spread the word, we welcome your support.

If you're an organization or political figure interested in collaborating with us, please leave a brief message along with any relevant links.

To volunteer, please briefly describe how you can help our organization. If you're interested in being an activist and spreading awareness for our cause, simply state "Activist." If you have specific skills or expertise (such as engineering, science, technical, political), please provide a brief overview of your experience and include any relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile.

Thank you for considering joining our mission. We appreciate your commitment to making a difference in our community and beyond. We look forward to hearing from you!